The Colorado Health Foundation Announces Two Executive Retirements and Promotions

For Immediate Release
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Chief Impact Officer and Chief Accounting and Compliance Officer Positions to be Succeeded by Current Staff

DENVER, CO – The Colorado Health Foundation today announced the upcoming retirement of its Chief Impact Officer, Bruce Byington, and Chief Accounting and Compliance Officer, Andrew Ritz, as well as the appointments of Amy Latham as chief impact officer, and Kelley Simon as chief accounting and compliance officer.

Bruce Byington - 2017 Staff Photo

Bruce Byington, chief impact officer, joined the Foundation in April 2017 following 26 years at the Center for Creative Leadership where, as executive vice president – Americas, he focused on talent, strategy and organizational development. Bruce is driven by a passion for servant leadership, a mission to build a legacy of top talent in the philanthropic world, and an ability to craft a training and resource architecture that sustains it. All of these things are evident in his work at the Foundation where he has nurtured a culture of purpose and developed a strong team positioned for strategic impact.

“I have been lucky to share many years with Bruce – first as colleagues at the Center for Creative Leadership, and more recently at the Foundation. Bruce’s leadership has proved significant in many ways, especially in his ability to help staff understand the connection between our culture, values and strategy,” said President and CEO Karen McNeil-Miller. “We’re better off because of Bruce, and I am personally glad to have had the opportunity to work and learn together in two seasons of my life.”

Amy Latham - 2017 Staff Photo

Upon Bruce’s retirement at the end of March 2021, Amy Latham will become the Foundation’s chief impact officer. Amy joined the Foundation in 2008 following her time as director of communications and public policy for Missouri Family Health Council. As vice president of philanthropy, she oversees the Foundation’s funding and community engagement strategy, and related initiatives and grantmaking.

“We give a good deal of thought to succession planning at the Foundation,” said McNeil-Miller. “As such, Bruce, Amy and I have been working closely for a number of years to prepare for this transition. Amy’s years of experience in philanthropy, as well as her tenure leading our community investment work, give me the utmost confidence in her ability to lead in this role.”

As part of this transition, The Foundation’s Philanthropy department will be renamed as the Community Investment and Impact department. A national search will take place to fill the vacated vice president of community investment and impact role, with a formal job profile and posting to follow in the coming weeks. In the meantime, interested parties may contact the search firm.


Following a career in the health care industry, Andrew Ritz, chief accounting and compliance officer, has been with the Foundation since its beginnings in 1995. As the Foundation’s lead CPA, he has led teams responsible for accounting, financial reporting, budgeting, taxes, compliance and risk management. Andrew’s reputation as a loyal, approachable leader at the Foundation is only made stronger by his immense wisdom of our history as an organization.

“To say that Andrew’s steady presence will be missed is an understatement,” said McNeil-Miller. “Andrew knows the ins and outs of this place like the back of his hand, and yet, he’s never grown complacent in his responsibility to keep our ‘house’ in order. We will greatly miss Andrew’s humble, sturdy leadership.” 

Kelley Simon headshot

Upon Andrew’s retirement at the end of February 2021, Kelley Simon will become the Foundation’s chief accounting and compliance officer. Kelley joined the Foundation in 2018, and as senior accounting manager, she ensures fiscal accountability across vendor, grantee and investment transactions, in addition to overseeing payroll. Before joining its staff, Kelley served as a tax consultant to the Foundation on behalf of Ernst & Young. 

Interested applicants may apply here for the senior accounting manager role.

McNeil-Miller said, “Kelley was also hired with a succession plan in place and she and Andrew have collaborated closely to ensure a smooth hand-off. I know we’re in good hands. We’re thrilled Bruce and Andrew will soon be able to spend more time with their families and grateful to have two very capable leaders in our midst to step up for the next chapter in our continued mission to bring health in reach for all Coloradans.”

About the Colorado Health Foundation
The Colorado Health Foundation is bringing health in reach for all Coloradans by engaging closely with communities across the state through investing, policy advocacy, learning and capacity building. For more information, please visit

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