Colorado Health Foundation Awards Second Cohort of Advance Care Planning Grants

For Immediate Release
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DENVER, CO — The Colorado Health Foundation recently approved $2.75 million in funding to extend work under the Advance Care Planning initiative. As a part of the Foundation’s overall strategy to empower individuals and families to manage their own health, this initiative will support organizations seeking to increase health engagement through activities focused on one or more advance care planning domains including engagement, education, system infrastructure and continuous quality improvement.  

Grantees awarded for the second cycle of funding include: Denver Health and Hospitals Foundation, HomeCare & Hospice of the Valley, HopeWest, Hospice of the Plains, Sage Generation and University of Colorado Foundation. 

“We are excited to work with such a diverse cohort of organizations leading such a diverse array of advance care planning projects,” said Dara Hessee, senior program officer at the Colorado Health Foundation. “Their work will impact urban and rural communities throughout Colorado and will generate learnings that will inform other organizations working in this space.”  

The three-year initiative is designed to accelerate existing advance care planning efforts in Colorado where feasible and to support innovative demonstration projects that have the goal of increasing individual and family health engagement through advance care planning as a result of:  

  • Upstream and ongoing conversations about what matters when an individual is seriously ill or near end of life 
  • Selection of a fully informed medical durable power of attorney 
  • Receiving medical and related social services consistent with an individual’s values, goals and informed preferences 

 In addition to grant funding, grantees will participate in a learning collaborative to share best practices. Read more about the initiative

About the Colorado Health Foundation
The Colorado Health Foundation is singularly focused on helping Coloradans live their healthiest lives by advancing opportunities to pursue good health and achieve health equity through grantmaking, policy and advocacy, strategic private investments and convening to drive change. For more information, please visit

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