Colorado Health Foundation Names Dr. Ben L. Bynum as New Portfolio Director of Private Sector Engagement

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DENVER, CO – The Colorado Health Foundation today announced the hiring of Ben L. Bynum, MD, MBA, MPH, as the new portfolio director of private sector engagement. In this role, Dr. Bynum will develop the Foundation’s impact investing strategy and manage its impact investment portfolio, including program-related investments and mission-related investments. He will also be responsible for building and maintaining relationships with a wide variety of individuals and organizations in the health field, including private and nonprofit sectors; collecting, analyzing and disseminating market intelligence; and implementing strategic activities and events that will engage the private sector in pursuit of shared goals.

Ben Bynum Headshot

Previously, Dr. Bynum served in two separate director roles for and helped to plan the creation of Vital Healthcare Capital (V-Cap), a nonprofit organization that provides flexible financing and development services to support quality health care and good health care jobs in low-income communities. Dr. Bynum also spearheaded the work that led to the launch of V-Cap and the Foundation's Strengthening Primary Care funding opportunity, a unique initiative designed to increase the number of Coloradans receiving quality primary care services through both grant and loan funds.

“Dr. Bynum’s extensive experience in impact investing will truly be an asset to the Foundation and the communities we serve,” said Vice President of Philanthropy Amy Latham. “Given his prior role at V-Cap, we are excited about the benefits of his existing partnerships in communities around Colorado. His work in this role will be integral to driving our mission forward and creating lasting change for the health and health equity of Coloradans.”

Prior to V-Cap, Ben worked for Josh Mailman, an angel investor and philanthropist, to provide growth capital to scale minority-owned businesses. He also consulted at Imprint Capital Advisors to help foundations – including the Colorado Health Foundation and the Kellogg Foundation – create and execute impact investing portfolios.

As a former Adjunct Professor at Berkeley College, Dr. Bynum has lectured on health care innovations in low-income communities. He is on the Board of Directors of the National School-Based Health Alliance and serves as the Chair of the Outreach and Engagement Committee.  Dr. Bynum has been published in the Journal of Health Care Finance on alternative payment models to support health services for rural and low-income youth, and has presented this work at national and state conferences. 

Dr. Bynum earned his MD from Howard University College of Medicine, MBA from the Columbia Business School and MPH from the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, where he was recognized as the W.E.B. Dubois Scholar.

Dr. Bynum will begin his new role at the Foundation effective Monday, April 3. Learn more about the Foundation’s private sector engagement.

About the Colorado Health Foundation
The Colorado Health Foundation is singularly focused on helping Coloradans live their healthiest lives by advancing opportunities to pursue good health and achieve health equity through grantmaking, policy and advocacy, strategic private investments and convening to drive change. For more information, please visit

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