The Foundation Honors Three Colorado Nonprofits with a 2019 Holiday Gift

For Immediate Release
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During this holiday season, we want to give thanks to the people and organizations who have dedicated their time and resources to help bring health in reach for all Coloradans. In honor of the giving season, the Foundation has donated $10,000 to three important causes on behalf of our Board, staff, grantees and partners:

  • Child and Migrant Services provides and coordinates community services for migrant and seasonal farm workers and their families in Mesa County – so that they may live and work with dignity.
  • Extended Hands of Hope provides safe homes and supportive services in the Denver metro area where sex trafficking survivors can be empowered to move forward with hope into a new beginning.
  • Transformative Freedom Fund helps people live their authentic selves by removing financial barriers to medical and transition-related care for transgender and gender-nonconforming Coloradans.

We’d like to thank these organizations for their work to improve the lives of those they serve, and we're grateful for your commitment to advancing health and health equity in the Colorado communities you call ‘home.’

Have a safe, happy and healthy holiday.

In good health,

Karen McNeil-Miller
President and CEO
The Colorado Health Foundation

About the Colorado Health Foundation
The Colorado Health Foundation is bringing health in reach for all Coloradans by engaging closely with communities across the state through investing, policy advocacy, learning and capacity building. For more information, please visit

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