The Foundation's Holiday Gift Recognizes Three Colorado Nonprofits

For Immediate Release

As I reflect on 2017, I recognize all I have to be grateful for - a loving family, a wonderful home and a passionate team of Board and staff who are committed to our vision that across Colorado each of us can say: "We have all we need to live healthy lives." 

Healthy Holidays header

During this holiday season, we want to thank the people and organizations who have dedicated their time and resources to help bring health in reach for all Coloradans. Every year, our staff-driven effort provides an opportunity to recognize non-grantee nonprofits in Colorado for their commitment to improving lives across the state. In the spirit of the season, the Foundation has donated $10,000 to three worthy causes on behalf of our staff, grantees and partners:

Inside/Out Youth Services empowers, educates and advocates for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth, 13-22 years of age, and is the only non-profit that serves LGBTQ youth in Southern Colorado.

Joshua Station helps families move from homelessness to stable housing and self-sufficiency through transitional housing, holistic support services, counseling, skill development, parenting guidance and educational support.

Prodigy Coffeehouse is a craft coffeehouse and apprenticeship in Northeast Denver that provides hands-on learning to youth from low-income communities to build skills, social capital and understanding for success in the new economy.

We'd like to thank these three organizations for their work to improve the lives of those they serve, and we'd like to thank you for staying focused on health in 2017. I have high hopes that, together, our relentless efforts to improve the health of Coloradans will become a reality for all in 2018 and the years to follow.

Have a safe, healthy holiday.

In good health, 

Karen McNeil-Miller

About the Colorado Health Foundation
The Colorado Health Foundation is bringing health in reach for all Coloradans by engaging closely with communities across the state through investing, policy advocacy, learning and capacity building. For more information, please visit

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