Healthier Colorado and The Colorado Health Foundation launch statewide poll in response to COVID-19

For Immediate Release
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This poll was launched in partnership to hear directly from Coloradans and serve decision-makers in coordinating a recovery response that helps all Coloradans heal physically, emotionally, and financially

DENVER, CO – Today, Healthier Colorado and The Colorado Health Foundation launched a statewide poll to measure and understand the concerns, needs, experiences and attitudes of Coloradans on the coronavirus pandemic. The coronavirus pandemic is an unprecedented time for Colorado and the world. Timely information on how the outbreak is impacting Coloradans is crucial, especially as federal, state and local leaders in every sector consider how to protect the public’s health and support a full recovery.

Details of the poll: 

  • The survey will sample the adult resident population of Colorado (age 18 or older);
  • The poll will interview 1,100 Coloradans with an over sample (100) of African American adults;
  • The overall margin of error will be +/- 2.95 percent;
  • The focus of the survey is to measure and understand the concerns, needs, experiences and attitudes of Coloradans in response to the coronavirus pandemic; and 
  • Magellan Strategies is conducting the poll.

“Navigating a path toward a brighter future beyond the COVID-19 crisis will require a true understanding of what Coloradans are experiencing,” said Jake Williams, executive director of Healthier Colorado. “This poll will shed light on the needs and views of people across Colorado, and our aim in sharing this information is to better equip our state to effectively respond to this pandemic. A period of uncertainty like this requires leadership from organizations like ours to help point a way ahead. It is a privilege to be able to work in partnership with The Colorado Health Foundation to make this contribution in support of the wellbeing of Coloradans at such a critical moment.”

“COVID-19 has impacted every single one of us, yet not every Coloradan is being impacted in the same way. It’s imperative that philanthropy, government and nonprofit leaders be listening for how this outbreak is affecting our physical, mental and financial health,” said Karen McNeil-Miller, president and CEO of The Colorado Health Foundation. “This research enables us to listen and understand how Coloradans’ lives are changing, so that we can make the most informed decisions to bring health in reach and improve health equity today, tomorrow and as we bridge toward a recovery state.”

The poll will be in the field for roughly two weeks and results will be disseminated upon completion.

About the Colorado Health Foundation
The Colorado Health Foundation is bringing health in reach for all Coloradans by engaging closely with communities across the state through investing, policy advocacy, learning and capacity building. For more information, please visit

About Healthier Colorado
Healthier Colorado is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to raising the voices of Coloradans in the public policy process to improve the health of our state’s residents. We believe that every Coloradan should have a fair chance at living a healthy life. For more information, please visit

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