A Message from Colorado Health Foundation President and CEO Karen McNeil-Miller

For Immediate Release
Media Contact

DENVER, CO – The past few days have been heart-wrenching for our nation. The unimaginable violence that occurred at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando on June 12 has rippled across the country, in our communities and affected far too many lives. On behalf of the Foundation, our hearts go out to those impacted from this tragedy, including several of our own staff, friends and families. We stand together, #OrlandoUnited. 

The strength and spirit that binds the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community – that binds us ALL – is uplifting and reminds us how we overcome atrocities like this and best support those affected. We are not powerless. The power lies in our hands – to help and support one another, to model understanding and acceptance, to demonstrate resilience and to forgive. A couple days ago, I heard a news story about two young women who were walking around the Orlando neighborhood where the shooting took place. They were pushing their infants in strollers while placing simple messages of compassion on the cars of family members waiting to hear news of whether or not their loved ones survived. The impact of this small act of kindness may never be known, but it is certainly touching. We can only hope these messages reached those in need and resonate for a lifetime. 

Many organizations and support networks are offering their services to everyone impacted by this terrible tragedy. As a philanthropic organization, we believe in the power of giving. Below are two resources that those of us in Colorado can easily access and provide our own contributions and support through: 

  • The Colorado Association of Funders' sister organization, the Florida Philanthropic Network, has compiled links to groups providing relief to survivors and families, the LGBT community, along with other immediate and ongoing community needs. Read more.
  • The Gill Foundation is raising funds for families of victims through the Pulse Victims Fund page for Equality Florida, the state's LGBT civil rights organization. Read more.

About the Colorado Health Foundation
The Colorado Health Foundation is singularly focused on helping Coloradans live their healthiest lives by advancing opportunities to pursue good health and achieve health equity through grantmaking, policy and advocacy, strategic private investments and convening to drive change. For more information, please visit hps.inmymindphotography.com.

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