Warhover Closing Chapter on 10 Years as Health Foundation CEO

For Immediate Release
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DENVER, CO – This morning President and CEO Anne Warhover announced she will be leaving the Colorado Health Foundation on Jan. 1, 2015. Chief Financial Officer Rahn Porter will take over as interim CEO after Warhover’s departure.

Warhover leaving after 10 years’ work at the Foundation.

“My decision to leave the Foundation after 10 years as CEO has been difficult, and it was only through a long period of self-reflection that I have decided to do so,” said Warhover. “I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished together, but for me I just know it’s time for a change. The Foundation, and its work, has been a deeply important part of my life, and I am heartened by the efforts of its staff and board to bring this organization beyond grantmaking and into a space where through its resources and partners it is transforming state culture into one centered on health. I am excited to pass the baton to a new leader who is committed to making Colorado the healthiest state in the nation.”

Foundation Board Chair Sally Schaefer, who will lead a national search to fill the CEO position, was disappointed by Warhover’s departure but understood her decision to step down from the role.

“It is with mixed emotions that I and the board are accepting Anne’s resignation,” said Schaefer. “I admire folks who understand when they have contributed what they can to an organization and pass the baton to the next leader. However, we will miss Anne, who has accomplished an amazing number of successful transitions during her 10 years at the Foundation. From developing an astute financial strategy that includes stabilizing the Foundation in perpetuity to building out our business and governance infrastructures, Anne’s leadership has had the positive impact few Foundations have the opportunity to experience.”

Warhover was hired in 2004 as president and CEO of the Foundation. Since then, she has been responsible for significant growth in the Foundation’s grantmaking portfolio, which increased from $3 million to $100 million annually to Colorado-based nonprofits. In 2006, the Foundation’s board adopted Warhover’s recommendation for a new vision to make Colorado the healthiest state in the nation. That vision has become a mantra that has since been adopted by the governor and state of Colorado and many partners. In 2011, under Warhover’s leadership, the Foundation completed a historic transition in selling its 40 percent equity stake in HCA-HealthONE hospital system, enabling the Foundation to continue its current funding levels for generations to come. Most recently, Warhover has focused the staff on setting strategic targets to better shape the impact of its work over the next several years.

“This is the first time in my life that I’ve had the opportunity to step back and think about my next chapter. And knowing the Foundation is moving securely forward to address some of the most important issues in Colorado health made me think this is the right time,” said Warhover. “As the health care landscape continues to shift, the next Foundation leader will have a strong baseline from which to help our state progress through some of the biggest health-related challenges of our lifetime. I think about what it means for a new leader to step in and take this organization and its staff through its next chapter, and I am excited by the opportunity it presents for everyone to play a part in its writing. I remain deeply committed to the Foundation and look forward to working over the next few months to ensure our staff and partners remain positioned to meet our goals and vision for Colorado.”

Porter commented on Warhover’s decision in relation to the Foundation’s recently refreshed strategies and goals as well as changes to the grantmaking process and evaluation model.

“Staff and partners are poised to meet the newly established 2023 goals,” said Porter. “Anne’s leadership has built a culture of organizational efficacy and a powerful vision for the Foundation’s role in continuing to remove the barriers to health opportunities that empower the people of Colorado to take an active role in their own health outcomes and those of their community. We are grateful for Anne’s years of dedication and for the bedrock on which she helped build a Foundation of community partnerships ready to bring about the future of health for all Colorado.”

About the Colorado Health Foundation
The Colorado Health Foundation is singularly focused on helping Coloradans live their healthiest lives by advancing opportunities to pursue good health and achieve health equity through grantmaking, policy and advocacy, strategic private investments and convening to drive change. For more information, please visit hps.inmymindphotography.com.

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